Thursday, 5 July 2012

For Aspiring Authors.- A Little Help From Our Friends

"No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

So wrote John Donne. That by the way is not a picture of him. That is a picture of my friend, the author John W Cassell. John lives by the precept that 'no man is an island'. He is a reacher-out, an encourager, and through the marvel of the internet and social networking I have gained the great privilege of knowing him. Although his home is in that vast country we call America and mine is the tiny principality of Wales, and while we may never meet in person he calls me brother and that in essence is what we are.

Writers of every shade and ilk know what it is to feel like an island. Alone and surrounded by a sea of uncertainty we are prey to self doubt and tempted every day to abandon our dreams and aspirations. John was one of two people who helped sustain me in my difficult times by his encouraging words and giving spirit. We all need someone we can confide in and lean on. None more so than writers who struggle with the greatest foe a man can face - himself. Though not in good health John takes the time to create 'video letters' he sends to friends and fellow authors. Here is one I would like to share with you. I'm sure John will not mind. It was in response to a poem I had written and sent him for his valued and trusted opinion.

John's books are available on Amazon:


The other person who helped lift my spirits was also an American, Michelle Vrabel.

"Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit: we cannot flower and grow without it."

If Jess Lair is right then I am forever indebted to Michelle whose words of praise and encouragement helped sustain my self belief . Michelle shared with me her own story that was both powerful and poignant. I hope she has published it but unfortunately we lost touch so if by any chance you are reading this Michelle please contact me.

It is because of inspirational people like John and Michelle that I intend to support all authors through my blog and my Google+ Pages. Google+ eXplosion is now available and was written with the express intention of helping authors at any stage of their development find and grow their own loyal fan base. This is a service that will be absolutely free with no strings attached whether you decide to invest in Google+ eXplosion or not. In fact I regard it as both a privilege and pleasure supporting and getting to know fellow authors I would however urge you all to establish a presence on Google+ sooner rather than later.
 "Time and tide wait for no man."

I have already created pages in readiness across all the popular genres. These pages will link to (a work in progress) where authors books will be featured with links back to their sales pages and blogs.

Here are this week's Featured Authors. (I randomly feature my mutual Twitter Followers or those who join my Google+ Pages).

Piera describes herself as an author of romantic mystery and spiritual fiction. I am intrigued already! I will probably place Piera on the Paranormal Page. Piera has really taken the trouble to promote her books effectively. Here is her blog. Click on the image it's well worth a visit:

Piera also has a very attractive Facebook Fanpage:

I loved Piera's poems found on her blog, and I would just like to say on a personal note Piera - if only I was 30 years younger!
Here's a link to Piera's book Cassandra in the Mirror:

Piera also has a mysterious promotional video:

Source: via Piera on Pinterest

I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot more from Piera.

Now please welcome Donna McDonald

Two things about Donna that immediately resonate with me is firstly the fact she like to make her readers laugh. Secondly . . . well the title of her blog sorts of gives it away as well as my age!
Here's Donna's blog:

See what I mean? Now she's gone and raised my hopes again! Click the image to pay Donna a visit.
Donna also has a Facebook Fanpage:

This is what Donna has to say about herself:


This series has funny moments, but hits on some very serious topics as the heroines in each book have some serious flaws and challenges. The Art of Love series also focuses on the role art plays in the characters' lives and their family relationships.

It starts with three books about a family of artists consisting of the father, William Everett Larson (53), and his two adult sons, Michael Larson (34) and Shane Larson (27). I genuinely like all three of these men as heroes and think my readers will also. Each has his own appeal and the women they connect to romantically are very interesting. The other books grew from additional friends and family that popped up in the new relationships.

These books are a bit rougher emotional ride as a read, but as always, I can guarantee you a happy ending

Here's the link to Donna's book:

Ok, finally one for us guys. Introducing Joseph Henry Gaines.

Joseph made an immediate impact upon me with the opening words from his blog:

"I have been cut, Scolded..Taunted..Teased..Broken...Wronged...Betrayed...Branded...Accused...Penalised...Judged...
Smashed...Mocked...Broken again and again...yet still my spirit is strong...yet still my heart carries hope...yet still I look for a heart that is just... I will stand tall... I will stand true... I will be me... I will still love...and I will still be just a man......a man who refuses to be downtrodden...refuses to be bitter...a man who wants to believe that within us all there is something special...something blessed........... something so much more than we have grown used to being...within me is everything... I just have to close my eyes and dream."

What a statement! Visit Joseph's blog here:

If you thought that was powerful how about this YouTube promotional video trailer.

Here is the link to Joseph's book Child Of Aquarius:


I am pleased to say that Piera, Donna and Joseph all have a Google+ Page.

Next Week: Authors and Self Talk

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