Tuesday, 31 January 2012

How To Get Yourself Listed As A Kindle Author.

Reinventing the wheel has never been my style. A complete waste of time and energy. It would probably have turned out the wrong shape anyway. So when it comes to explaining how to get listed as a Kindle author I am simply going to use two excellent resources from eHow.com and Kindle Direct Publishers themselves.

1. How To Become A Kindle Author (eHow.com by Maya Austen)
 Kindle is the wireless reading device designed by Amazon. Amazon sells the eBooks that have been formatted for Kindle in its Kindle store. To become a Kindle author, you simply need to upload your book to Amazon's Digital Text Platform (DTP). Amazon makes it easy for authors to self-publish their work through Kindle. The Digital Text Platform even does the work of converting your ebook to the Kindle format for you. Access to the DTP is free. But Amazon is entitled to a percentage of all of your Kindle eBook sales.


  • Create a copy of your book in HTML format. (You could also use TXT, or DOC, but HTML converts to Kindle the best.) Design a cover image and save it in JPEG format.
  • Sign up for an Amazon Account if you do not already have one. Go to "https://dtp.amazon.com/mn/signin" and click "Sign Up."
  • Go back to the Amazon's Digital Text Platform log-in page and sign in.
  •  Select the "My Shelf" tab. Click "Add New Item." Enter your book's product details, which include the book's title, a summary description (restricted to a 4000-character limit), author's name, publisher's name (which if you're self-publishing is your name), and an ISBN number for your eBook. Amazon does not require books to have an ISBN number to publish in Kindle. It's purely optional. But an ISBN number could help to give your work more credibility. If you'd like to purchase an ISBN number for your eBook, you may use the link in the Resource section of this article.
  • Select the language of your eBook. Enter a few keywords that describe your book's subject matter (this will be used to help customers find your eBook). And select the overall subject category you would like your work to be listed under.
  • Select your Digital Rights Management (DRM). To restrict unauthorized access and copying of your work, select "Enable DRM." DRM is intended to protect your work against free distribution. There is some debate as to whether eBooks that do not have DRM restrictions actually sell better because books without DRM allow the user greater flexibility. If you choose to publish a Kindle eBook without DRM restrictions (opting for the honor system instead), to protect your work you could include a note on your copyright page that requests that readers respect the work of the author by not passing free copies of it along. Make your choice carefully--DRM or no DRM. Once the eBook is published in Kindle, you cannot changed this setting.   
  •  Upload your cover image. Click "Save entries," then confirm your content rights over the material you're publishing. Upload the HTML file of your eBook. The Amazon Digital Text Platform will automatically convert this file to Kindle. When prompted, preview your eBook to check it for errors or formatting issues. If you need to make any modifications to the file, download the Kindle formatted file of your eBook from the DTP. Make your edits, then upload the file again.
  • Set the suggest retail price for your Kindle eBook. Click "Save," then "Publish." It will take two to three business days for your eBook to show in Kindle listings. But when it does, you will officially be a Kindle author. 

    For those of us who are happier viewing videos here is the How To Publish On Kindle video tutorial from KDP. 

    Kindle is introducing a new tool shortly to allow pictures to be embedded during the publishing process. The application is called Kindlegen and I will post about it once I have used and mastered it myself.

    Next Week: Using YouTube to promote your books.

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